About the Person Dr. Georg(e) Galeczki
His Texts and Translations
Obituary: Dr. George Galeczki Passing
with Acknowledgement (Thanks)
comments and obituary bilingual / Kommentare und Nachruf zweisprachig
The II-nd List of Publications (1993 - 2002)1. G.Galeczki, "About Inertial frames of Reference, Velocities and Velocity-dependent Masses" (Proceedings of the International Conference ´Foundations of Mathematics and Physics´, Perugia 1989, Eds. U.Bartocci and P.Wesley), p.93
2. G.Galeczki, "Why is Relativity Interesting?", Physics Essays, 6 (1993) 221
3. G.Galeczki, "The Limit Speed and Weber´s Potential", Physics Essays, 6 (1993) 86
4. G.Galeczki, "Uniform Time, Velocity and Special Relativity", Physics Essays, 8 (1995) 22
5. G.Galeczki, "Can Quantum Mechanics Survive without Special Relativity?", Physics Essays, 7 (1994) 83
6. G.Galeczki, "Will Quantum Mechanics Survive without Special Relativity?", Spec.Sci.Technol. July 1994
7. G.Galeczki, "The Aarau Question and the de Broglie Wave", Apeiron, Febr. 1995
8. G.Galeczki, "The Incompatibility between Lorentz Transformations and the Inertial Frame of Reference" Chinese J. Syst. Eng. & Electronics, 4 (1993) 77-80
9. G.Galeczki, "Physical Laws and the Theory of Special Relativity", Apeiron, Oct. 1994
10. P.Marquardt and G.Galeczki, "The Uncertainty Principle Revisited", Apeiron, Oct. 1994
11. P.Marquardt and G.Galeczki, "Action and Quantum Mechanics", Apeiron, Febr. 1995
12. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "Some Remarks Concerning the Wave Equation" (Physics Essays, 8 (1995) 189)
13. G. Galeczki, "From Lorentz to Einstein and than Back to Newton" (Physics Essays, 8 (1995) 591)
14. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "Inertia Principle and Transformation Laws: addenda to Preziosi´s article" (Il Nuovo Cimento, 111 B (1996) 655)
15. G.Galeczki, "In Memoriam Nathan Rosen" (Apeiron, 3 (1996) 51)
16. G.Galeczki, "Seventieth Birthday of a Non-Effect: Thomas Precession" (Apeiron, 3 (1996) 120)
17. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "Farewell Minkowski Space" (Apeiron, 3 (1998) 121)
18. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "A Non-Expanding, Non-Relativistic Universe" (Apeiron, 3 (1996) 108)
19. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "Über die longitudinalen Ampèreschen Kräfte und Webers Elektrodynamik" (Fusion, 16 (1995) 15)
20. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "The Turn of the Tide: Recent Neo-Newtonian Physics in Europe" (Flagstaff SWARM / AAAS Meeting, June 1996)
21. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "About the Local Tapping of Energy" (Proc. Of the Int. Conference ´New Ideas in Natural Sciences´, St-Petersburg, Russia, June 17-22, 1996 (A.Smirnov et al. Organizers) p.299
22. G.Galeczki, "What does the Lorentz Force have to do with Special Relativity?" (Galilean Electrodynamics, 8 (1997) 1)
23. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "Free Trade between Mass and Energy?" (Apeiron, 4 (1997) 82)
24. G.Galeczki, "What does the Lorentz Force have to do with Maxwell´s Equations?", (Galilean Electrodynamics, 9 (1998) 95)
25. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "Order and Coherence: A Question of Size for Matter and Radiation" (Physics Essays,, 10 (1997) 506)
26. G.Galeczki und P.Marquardt, Requiem für die Spezielle Relativität" (Haag + Herchen, GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, 1997, ISBN 3-86137-484-6)
Comment german see (I/B3) / Kommentar in deutsch siehe (I/B3)27. G.Galeczki, Clock Rates" (Apeiron, 4 (1997) 127)
28. G.Galeczki, "Laying the Ghost of Relativistic Thermodynamics" (Proc. Of the Cologne Workshop ´Physics As a Science", Aug. 1997, Eds. G.Galeczki, P.Marquardt and P.Wesley)
29. G.Galeczki and P.Marquardt, "The Incompatibility between Special Relativity and Particle Dynamics" (Apeiron, 4 (1997) 122)
30. G.Galeczki, "Clock Rates" (Apeiron, 4 Nr.4 (1997) 127)
31. G.Galeczki, "Space is 3-Dimensional" (Apeiron, 6, Nr.1-2 (1999) 111)
32. G.Galeczki, "Physical Laws in Extended Systems" (in: "Instantaneous Action at a Distance: Pros and Contra", Eds. A. Chubykalo and R. Smirnov-Rueda, in the series "Contemporary Physics", Nova Science. Books and Journals, 1999) ISBN 1-56072-698
33. G.Galeczki, "On the Role of Space and Time in Relativity Theory" (Apeiron, 5, Nr. 1-2 (1998) 133)
34. G.Galeczki, "Pure Relativity" (Apeiron, 6, Nr. 1-2 (1999) 141)
35. G.Galeczki, "Dynamic Gamma Factor: Yes; Lorentz Transformation: No" (Proceedings of the Natural Philosophical Alliance, Meeting of the SWRM Division of the AAAS, Santa Fe, NM, 11-15 April, 1999)
36. G.Galeczki, "Two-Way Averaging in "Special" Relativity: Why?" (Proceedings of the International Conference: "Galileo Back IN ITALY II", 26-28 May, 1999, Bologna, pp.352-359)
37. G.Galeczki, "Do Black Holes Exist?" (Apeiron, 7, Nr. 1-2 (2000) 127)
38. G.Galeczki, "Minkowski Invariant Incompatible with any Equation of Motion", Journal of New Energy, Fall 2001 (Proc. Of the 2nd Int. Workshop: Physics as a Science, Galeczki, Marquardt, Wesley, Editors)
39. G. Galeczki, "Special Relativity's Heel of Achilles: The Units of Measurement", Journal of New Energy, Fall 2001 (Proc. Of the 2nd Int. Workshop: Physics as a Science, Galeczki, Marquardt, Wesley, Editors)
40. G. Galeczki, "Lagrange vs. Euler and Einstein" (Special issue of Journal of New Energy, winter 2002)
41. G. Galeczki, "Physics and the Principle of Mach" (Proc. of the Kharagpur Conference on Mach's Principle, and Inertia", Org. Amithaba Gosh, Apeiron Press 2002)
42. G. Galeczki, "Short Essay on Closed Sytems, Hierarch and Radiation" (Proc. of the Swansea Workshop, 2001, to be published as a Nova Science Publ. Book in 2002)
43. G. Galeczki, "Physics and the True Continuum" (Proc. of the PIRT 8 Conference, Imperial College, Org. Michael Duffy, Sept.2002)
Workshop "Physics as a Science"Between July 1st and July 5th 2002 the 3rd workshop >Physics as a Science< took place in Arrecife de Lanzarote, conducted by George Galeczki and Peter Marquardt, authors of the publication "Requiem for the Special Relativity" (List number 26.). The first 2 meetings had taken place in Cologne in 1997 and 2000. The aim of these workshops is an open, uncensored discussion of today's situation of fundamental physics and is an attempt to overcome the crisis of physics and its disastrous loss of popularity through alternative approaches. The minutes of these meetings are available as a special edition of the 'Journal of New Energy' of winter 2002/2003.
Zwischen dem 1. und 5. Juli 2002 fand in Arrecife de Lanzarote (Kanarische Inseln) unter der Leitung von George Galeczki und Peter Marquardt, die Autoren des "Requiem für die Spezielle Relativität" (Liste Nr. 26.), das 3. Workshop "Physics as a Science" statt. Die ersten zwei Treffen fanden in 1997 und 2000 in Köln statt. Der Zweck dieser Workshops ist die offene, unzensierte Diskussion der heutigen Lage der Fundamentalphysik und der Versuch, durch alternative Wege die Krise der Physik und ihren katastrophalen Verlust an Popularität zu überwinden. Die Tagungsberichte sind als Sonderheft des 'Journal of New Energy' im Winter 2002/2003 erschienen.
Prof. Assis, André K.T.
Dr. Collins, Glen
Fox, Hal, Editor of Journal of New Energy and New Energy News
Prof. Dr. Galeczki, George
Prof. Gonzales de Posada, Francisco
Dr. Gonzales Redondo, Francisco
Dr. Hatch, Ronald R.
Dr. Lucas, Charles W., Jr.
Marinsek, Johann
Dr. Marquardt, Peter
Prof. Melehy, Mahmoud A.
Dr. Müller, Francisco J.
Eng. Munch, Neil E.
Prof. Múnera, Hector
Dr. Renshaw, Curtis E.
Prof. Spencer, Domina Eberle
Prof. Thim, Hartwig
Prof. Wesley, James Paul
- End of Galeczkis List -
Comments by Helmut Hille: This site published on request of my friend Dr. Galeczki. All details based on his indications.
In the light of recent event, I would like to point out that opinions and publications of the participants of the workshop are independent from my theses and can therefore not be imputed to Dr. Galeczki or myself, which should actually be self evident. Contrary allegations are likely black-hearted.Anmerkungen von Helmut Hille: Diese Seite habe ich auf Wunsch meines Freundes Dr. Galeczki hier veröffentlicht. Alle Angaben von ihm.
Aus gegebenen Anlass muss ich darauf hinweisen, dass Meinungen und Veröffentlichungen der Teilnehmer des Workshops völlig unabhängig von den von Dr. Galeczki und mir vertretenen Thesen sind und beiden nicht zugerechnet werden können, was eigentlich selbstverständlich ist. Gegenteilige Behauptungen sind rein böswillig.