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Questions and Answers about Cosmology and Theory of Measurement

What do you hold correct?
Please answer first spontaneously - and then again after some rethinking
    Questions 1:
  • a) Does the sun orbit the earth?
  • b) Or does the earth orbit the sun?
  • c) Or are both incorrect?
  • d) Wath else would be correct?
    Questions 2:
  • a) Do planetary orbits "exist"?
  • b) Or do planets exist only and their presently observed positions?
    Questions 3:
  • a) Do the planets "move"?
  • b) Or are persist they in here state?
    Questions 4:
  • a) Is "distance" a thing, because it is impossible to measure it?
  • b) Or an aspect, who an observer used?
    Questions 5:
  • a) Is it possible to measure time with a clock?
  • b) Or is the time the standard of measure?
  • c) And what will be measured?

My answers to the questions of the test

    On question 1:
  • c) Both are incorrect!
  • d) Sun and earth rotate about their own axes.
    On question 2:
  • b) Existent are only the planets and their location as seen by the observer.
    Only in his comparing memory, the successive locations are combined to what is which is meant by "orbits"; however, by the planets itself and around nothing can be found which could be called "their orbits".
    On question 3:
  • b) All bodies remain in their condition as long as no force acts on them (Newtonian Axiom 1).
    Due to the lack of specifics organs it is impossible for planets "to move". They are not living beings.
    The gravitation of the sun, however, causes, e.g. the planet earth in its passage of the sun to be deflected in the daily mean by about 1° in the direction of the sun, such that it circles the sun once in about 365 1/4 days.
    On question 4:
  • b) When one measures, it depends on the aspects an observer brings to the subject so that he can even measure a distance, although there is no such thing as "distance". As much as you can measure heat although there is no heat matter (phlogiston).

Did you really know it? And did you also describe it correctly? Perhaps you have noticed how incorrect our every day phrases can be and how important our own role as observer is for all descriptions. He who does not make an effort to express himself correctly because he does not think it over, will not fully understand the matter about which he wants to speak, and thus will not be able to describe it properly. This is the root of most of the problems, which we have with things also in science.

Translation by Martha Greiner-Jetha (Gröbenzell near Munich, Germany)

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